A Possible Venue for Heritage Baptist and How You Can Help.

The Motivation

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness, Heritage Baptist Church continues to grow, from initial Lord's Day meetings of 10 souls to meetings now of between 55 to 70 souls. To see photos of our meetings click here

The Challenge

Our biggest challenge has been to find a suitable venue for worship. Currently we meet in a small hall that is overcrowded most Sundays. There is no room for mothers with young children and it is not available, or viable, for mid-week meetings; the toilets and kitchen are also not in great shape. This is a challange since the area we are seeking to minister into is fairly upmarket and developed, creating a barrier to people visiting.

A Possible Solution

This week we came across a church building for sale, in our target area. You can see the listing by clicking here. The building is beyond the budget of our church plant. It is a sort after site and other religous groups are interested in purchasing it. The amount we need to raise is R2.7m.

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What Can you Do?

  1. Please pray for us, that the Lord would grant us wisdom as we act as stewards of His church, and that He'd provide the funds needed for us to purchase this building.
  2. Please share this post on Facebook and Twitter.
  3. If you are in a postion to partner with us our banking details are:
    Bank: FNB
    Branch code: 250655 or 00250655 if paying from a Standard Bank account
    Account number: 62378612412
    Reference: Heritage Building
  4. Should you want to pledge an amount towards the building fund please contact us on info@heritagebaptist.co.za

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