Wisdom and Deliverance

wisdom 2

Proverbs 2 fits in nicely with the full tapestry of the 66 books of God’s Inspired Word. In this post, we’ll explore the beauty of this chapter and consider its connection to other scriptures in His Word.


Wisdom and Deliverance

Proverbs 2 continues nicely from our previous studies in the Book of Proverbs.

This chapter will be broken down into 3 sections:

     Proverbs 2:1-4 is the ‘If’ section, showing us the conditions of developing wisdom.

     Proverbs 2:5-11 is the ‘Then’ section, showing us the results of meeting the conditions of wisdom in our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationship with men.

     Proverbs 2:12-22 is the ‘Deliverance’ section, where we are taught of the forbidden women.

Proverbs 2:1-4. If

In this first section, we see the reoccurring use of the word if. 

If, implies that there is a choice to make. Like being given the option to do something or not do something. I like to visualise a much older person sitting with a younger person saying to them, “Do this, this is the way to go, there is no need for you to see for yourself. Avoid that messy road.” But only if.

These first 4 verses essentially outline actions we can all be involved in:

  • To obey Verse 1 is to take the first step of a thousand miles. The action here is to Receive and treasure. This receiving is the receiving of his word which calls for and looks like acceptance. We cannot receive something that we don’t accept or don’t believe in. We must accept the words of this book as God’s word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us this.
  • To obey Verse 2 is to incline one’s heart to understanding which calls for submitting one’s own heart. And what I would like to make much of here, is the heart and the required submission thereof. It is there that we really need the Lord to act on us in as much as we need to apply ourselves.
    • This is a two-fold action for us to review. On one side of the coin, it is human responsibility in that it is a conscious thing that we ourselves must do.
  • In Verse 3, we are actually being encouraged to call out for insight, mirroring the calling out that Wisdom was shown to do in Proverbs 1:20. This then is a required humility of heart for us to cry out just as well as Wisdom cries out to us.
  • Verse 4 then tells us of the seeking and searching as for hidden treasures. We are called to treasure the words of the father. We do this through memorisation (Psalm 119:11). We must store His promises and hide His Word in our hearts. 

These are the ‘If’s that we are encouraged to walk in. And IF we do these things, what THEN will happen as a result?

Proverbs 2:5-11. Then

There are two things that happen if we respond positively by heeding God’s words. 

  1. Wisdom in one’s relationship with God (V5-8), namely our vertical relationship.
  2. Wisdom in one’s relationship with others (V9-11), namely our horizontal relationships.

"Luke 2:52 shows us the most excellent example of our Lord Jesus Christ increasing in wisdom and in stature and in favour with both God and man."

We see in V5-8 that it is the Lord Who gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and He does this through the Bible. Heed then the preaching and teaching of God’s Word and meditate on it day and night.  Let it guard your heart and guide your thinking.

"Where do you get wisdom for daily life? Somebody is shaping you. Who is it?"

Where do you get wisdom for daily life? Who is shaping you?

Is it podcasters such as Steven Bartlett of Diary of a CEO, Chris Williamson, Piers Morgan, Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson—just to name a few of the thought leaders of our age? While some of the information from these podcasts can be helpful, these men do not fear the Lord—which of course we know is the beginning of wisdom.

Our meditation should be on the Wisdom that comes from above, and we ought to make this our treasure so that we can grow in stature with both God and man.

Proverbs 2:12-22. Deliverance

In Verses 12-15, we see a warning to watch our company wisely. Who is it that you spend most time with? Who is it that you let your guard down around?

Walking in the way of God’s wisdom should incline us to certain relationships that aren’t characterised by evil, but rather to those who delight in the things which please God.

Verses 16 tells us to stay clear of the forbidden woman and the adulteress. This is sin. The forbidden or adulteress woman here is literally poratrayed as a ‘strange' woman. The image this depicts for us by using covenantal language, is that we are to stay clear from those who don’t share the same covenant with our God or no longer walk in His ways. Do not be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Verses 18 to 19 highlight the permanence of sin. There are no “take backs” when it comes to sin. With sin, comes inevitable consequences.

 There are no “take backs” when it comes to sin. With sin, comes inevitable consequences.

What we find here is a warning and a promise. We will face judgement for the way we live our lives, but in Christ and through His death on the cross, we have also been saved and delivered. 

Verses 20-22 then emphasises again our deliverance from evil so as to create space for walking in the way of good people. This points us forward to the age that is to come when we will have sanctified bodies and we will be made anew.

These verses ought to make us long for the new heavens and the new earth. These promises foreshadow eternal life. 

So let us be encouraged.

Let us meditate often on the promises of God.

It is Him who keeps us to the end.

May we always remember that. 

IF we listen to His call, THEN He will grant us wisdom and DELIVER us unto eternal life.


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