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Angry much?

Anger does not produce the righteousness we want it to. James has a better way....

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What Ought We to Pray for During Times of Trial?

Not knowing what to do is a scary thing. James provides a solution....

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Elders Update on COVID-19 outbreak

Dear Heritage Church Family, Due to the unprecedented events of the past few weeks and our President's announcement regarding public gatherings of no more than 100 the oversight have decided that the following is the wisest course of action: With immediate effect and until further notice all formal church gatherings will be cancelled apart from our 9h30 Sunday service. T...

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Elders Message on Covid-19

The Heritage elders message to the congregation on Covid-19....

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Praying Selflessly

"The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; he will give strength to his king and exalt the power of his anointed" (v.10). -1 Samuel 2:111 Why do you pray? Think about examples of prayer in Scripture for a minute with me: We have the prayer of Hezekiah when he was told he would die; Mordecai prayed when the lives of the exiled Israelites were in danger; Abraham intercede...

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"Know" Your Spouse.

Why does the Bible use the language of 'knowing' your spouse?...

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 4

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 4...

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 3

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This article looks at the Temple and the Two Witnesses....

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 2

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 2 The Seven Cycles (The first blog post can be found here and the sermon series on Revelation here) One of the difficulties with the book of Revelation is that there are so many different interpretations. Some say that most of what John wrote was fulfilled in the first century AD (Preterist), some argue that the primary focus is...

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 1

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It has been a great privilege to study and preach through the book of Revelation these past few months (You can listen to the sermonshere). What an encouragement to see the church grow and hear the reports of robust theological discussion in the Growth Groups.Due to the nature of the series it was not possible to go into too much detail or spend a lot of time on some of th...

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