A Discourse on Wisdom

Proverbs 3:13-35 provides a discourse on Wisdom, and the importance of seeking her and not losing sight of the wise path....
Keep ReadingIn Proverbs 1:8-19, Solomon offers a stark warning against the allure of sinful behavior and the enticement of evil deeds. He presents us with a choice between two paths: the path of wisdom, which leads to life, and the path of foolishness, which leads to destruction....
Wisdom literature in the Bible includes books like Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. Among these, Proverbs stands out as a collection of sayings that provide guidance for practical, godly living. ...
Is someone really married only if they were married in a church? Are they married only if a pastor marries them or if they have had a ‘white wedding’? This article will hopefully answer all such questions and provide a framework for understanding marriage within a multicultural African context. ...
“A woman whose heart has been made beautiful through holiness will delight to dress in a way that pleases the Lord.”...
Proof Texts and Politics - This article first appeared in the June edition of JOY Magazine...
Children at Church -- Regarding children's ministry, and guidelines on children in the service...
Good works do not always mean there is true faith, but true faith always produces good works....
There are many fake news stories. Here's a very dangerous one....
What value is all your Bible consumption without obedience? James says there is none. ...
The reality that God is good has a special meaning for His people....
James wants Christians, whatever their financial situation, to only boast in Christ....
James calls us to have perspective amid all of our trials....
This article forms part of our three part exegetical class on Christians and Government in our Morning Bible Class at the church on Sundays at 8:30. We will be discussing this last section this coming Lord’s Day....
At Heritage we desire to be a church ruled by God’s Word as supreme. God’s Word organizes our theology; it dictates everything we teach and every word we use as a church to encourage, rebuke, and exhort one another. It also dictates our practice. How we worship, when we worship, what we do in our worship are all informed directly by God’s Word. It is therefore good for us to continue to examine everything we do, and how we do it. In a short series of articles, I will be putting several the aspects of our worship under the biblical microscope to show why we do them. Our hope in these articles is to encourage your participation in these different aspects of the life of the church and to help us all participate in an informed manner....
Pastor Michael explains the discipline of hermeneutics. This article appeared in the January issue of Joy Magazine. ...
After planting Heritage Baptist and pastoring it together for ten years, Pastor Michael bids farewell to Pastor Tyrell....
We will suspend meetings during the Level 3 Adjusted regulations. We believe the Scriptures constrain us to. Our elders have put together a lengthy letter explaining the biblical principles they have applied....
Regarding the church's response to the new regulations....
Psalm 91 is not the prosperity gospel. It is much more glorious than that....
This is a letter to the congregation regarding what the church's actions will be during Level 3 lockdown....
If we believe that God is truly our help, our hearts will be still....
The counsel of the world is all around us. Psalm 1 encourages wisdom....
Samuel Rutherford wrote a stirring letter to his friend Lady Kenmure who had recently lost her husband, Lord Kenmure. Ruthermore himself was acquainted with grief -- the death of his wife and many children -- yet he wrote as one with a keen eye to heaven....
We're not in control of tomorrow; God is. That is actually good news. ...
True wisdom is seen in a tamed tongue....
Partiality should never be tolerated among God's people. Here's why....
Anger does not produce the righteousness we want it to. James has a better way....
Not knowing what to do is a scary thing. James provides a solution....
The Heritage elders message to the congregation on Covid-19....
Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 4...
This article looks at the Temple and the Two Witnesses....
This blog post gives an update regarding Heritage Baptist Church in Potchefstroom....
Proverbs 3:13-35 provides a discourse on Wisdom, and the importance of seeking her and not losing sight of the wise path....
Keep ReadingNot knowing what to do is a scary thing. James provides a solution....
Keep Reading